14 בApril 2022

Armor Solutions

GG Defence Systems Provides Different Types of Armor Solutions Armor has been used for centuries as a means of protecting an individual, object, or even a […]
4 בMay 2022
underground safe room

Everything About Safe Rooms

As the term implies, a safe room is a purpose-built room that is strong enough to provide protection and safety against any catastrophic events. Basically, a […]
4 בMay 2022
bullet proof doors

Everything About Bullet Proof Doors

In the security and security glass industry, one word which is heavily used is ‘bulletproof.’ In fact, there are a lot of solutions such as bullet […]
4 בMay 2022
blast mitigation

Everything About Blast Mitigation

What is blast mitigation? It is a system or a strategic plan which is designed to minimize the effects of a blast caused by pressure impulses […]
25 בMay 2022
anti ram vehicle barrier

Anti-Ram Vehicle Barrier

Anti-ram vehicle barrier offers protection against the threats arising from vehicles. Actually, the term is pretty self-explanatory in itself – It refers to a vehicle barrier […]
25 בMay 2022
shoot house

Shoot House

What is a shoot house? Well, it is just a fancy name used for a shooting range where small arms can be tested for training  and […]
25 בMay 2022
bullet proof panels

Bullet Proof Panels

When it comes to non-transparent surfaces such as doors, walls, and counters, the best choice for reinforcing them is through bullet-resistant fiberglass panels. In situations of […]
20 בJune 2022
hostile vehicle mitigation2

Hostile Vehicle Mitigation: Everything you need to know!

Hostile Vehicle Mitigation or also known as HVM is actually a security discipline defined by the CPNI. The main aim of the HVM is to stop […]
20 בJune 2022
underground safe room

How to Build an Underground Safe Room

During the cold war era, building underground safe rooms were pretty popular among the masses. But over time, this trend was diminished as the world returned […]
20 בJune 2022
bullet resistant drywall

Does Bullet Resistant Drywall Actually Stop a Bullet?

In case you do not know, you can actually install bullet-resistant drywall at your home, office, or any other important building. Most people do not even […]
11 בAugust 2022
blast mitigation solutions

Commonly Used Blast Mitigation Solutions

What is blast mitigation? It is a system or a plan that is designed to mitigate or at least reduce the effects of a blast. During […]
11 בAugust 2022
hostile vehicle mitigation

Hostile Vehicle Mitigation – What it means?

Hostile Vehicle Mitigation solutions provide safety against vehicle-borne threats & have become pretty popular all over the world. When compared with a stationary or standing threat, […]
11 בAugust 2022
underground safe room

Underground Panic Rooms – What Are They & Why You Need One!

What would you do if a tornado strikes or you need protection from a potential threat? The obvious choice would be to take shelter but just […]
18 בAugust 2022
ballistic proof doors

How to Choose a Bullet Proof Door Manufacturer

Are you looking for some information about bullet proof doors? Do you want to know the exact costs of getting bullet proof windows? Then you are […]
18 בAugust 2022
ballistic proof windows

Ballistic Windows – Types and Benefits

What are ballistic or bullet proof windows? It refers to the windows which utilize a special ballistic glass in them to prevent attacks by firearms. The […]
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