Blast Mitigating Fabric

Blast Mitigating Fabric

G.G Defense Systems blast mitigating fabric is a unique solution which helps protect walls from blast hazards.

Tested in full scale blast tests, when applied to inner or outer walls, our solution prevents concrete or masonry from collapsing after a blast, by dispersing the forces applied to the wall.

Our company offers full engineering, project management and training to our clients worldwide, to ensure full product integration according to client's requirements.

We offer full engineering, project management and training to our clients worldwide, to ensure full product integration according to client's requirements.

Product Features:

  • Withstands very high blast levels – 320 psi*msec (impulse)
  • Ideal for retrofit projects and for protecting historical buildings.
  • Can be used to protect inner walls as well as outer, surrounding walls (embassies, government buildings, etc.)
  • Can be deployed easily to protect walls integrated with blast-proof windows
  • Tested against direct hits of 155mm artillery ammunition.
  • Can be used in oil refineries – to protect from vapor cloud explosion threats.
  • Cost effective.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Porous material which prevents condensation and maintains area ventilation.
  • Can be easily painted with commercially available paints.
  • Fire retardant.

For a 100% tailored solution to your custom need

We'll be happy to partner with you

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איפוס תצוגה

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